BALTIMORE, MD - Every year at the end of June...
Thousands of people converge for a "holy convocation", at our International Convention.
This year's theme, "Anointed for service" was awesome;
We have been overwhelmed by this Body,
Refreshed, inspired, and edified with fresh vision for the year ahead.
God spoke to us personally, through such a constant flow of fresh, anointed messages, and though His presence in the Body.
I just wanted to fly our entire church here to experience it!
Saturday, by His grace, we begin our journey back via England, and hope to take some of what we received, back to Kitwe, with stammering lips, used by the Holy Spirit.
The Speedyz
We have been overwhelmed by this Body,
Refreshed, inspired, and edified with fresh vision for the year ahead.
God spoke to us personally, through such a constant flow of fresh, anointed messages, and though His presence in the Body.
I just wanted to fly our entire church here to experience it!
Saturday, by His grace, we begin our journey back via England, and hope to take some of what we received, back to Kitwe, with stammering lips, used by the Holy Spirit.
We wish you all
a Blessed Greater Grace New year!
Prayer card to the left: "Brethren, pray for us"The Speedyz