From the moment Pastor Scibelli arrived from the States, followed by 4 Ugandens, who bussed 4 days to get here, it was intense. High dosages of the word, of conviction, of wisdom, exhortation & encouragement. Soulwinning with 40-50 Zambians on the streets of Kitwe was also pretty explosive. The fruit of years of salty investment by men of God who've sacrificed a lot for the kingdom.
A 30-seater bus brought Pastor Renaldo, Pastor Chris and many leaders from
Lusaka & Uganda, and we had 3 days of incredible teaching, body life fellowship, basketball, food, and soulwinning with our church in Kitwe. The Kittites loved it! We were also joined by a group from the outreach in Chingola ("Chingolese!"). The vision for that city is now clear, and we have a target for the new group of believers, recently began holding services, to have classes by end of January. The vision for Congo also became clearer and we are asking for prayers for the new church planting mission in that interesting country. Pray also for my upcoming trip there.
Hope these pics give a glimpse of this explosive week. As we say in Southern Africa... "Yeboooo!!!!" [Yeeeeeeahahhh!!]